Light | Tara

Happy Monday friends! Tara here sharing a little bit of bible journaling today. Do any of you choose a word for the year? I started last year but this year I want to really document my journey through scripture and my notebooks. My word is LIGHT and I find it so refreshing in so many ways.

I love how the January Faith Art Box kit had so many words for me to choose from to add to my journaling. My favorite was the teeny light bulb!


I love that the Lord is our light. I was reading, meditating, and praying over John 1:5. God is such an amazing God, but he is also so powerful! The words spoke so true to my heart:

‘the darkness has not overcome it’


Wow, just WOW!!! My God, Your God – OUR God is so powerful that no matter how dark it is, He will shine bright for us to see! No matter what situation we find ourselves in, he is always there waiting, watching, and hoping we call out and turn to Him.

Satan has no stronghold over our Lord. So when we are in the thick of the hardships of life or fallen to sin, we must remember that through Jesus – we are redeemed. Through Him, we can conquer sin. He is more than enough. For You. For Me. For US.


Friends, let’s pray that we remember this truth as we go through our days. Take heart and have courage – He is with you.

Blessings, Tara

