Love the Lord | Krystal

Hello, my name is Krystal and I’m so incredibly thankful and excited to be sharing my very first blog post for Creative Retreat Kits with you all!  I loved this month’s stamp set from the kit designed by Eli.  The words in this stamp set made the possibilities endless with which verse to journal on.  Did you know there are over 40 verses in the Bible that talk about “Loving the Lord our God with all your heart and all you soul”?  I was kind of shocked when I went searching which verse this was and I found numerous verses.  It is literally written every where in the Bible that we are to “Love the Lord our God with all your heart and all your soul.”


 God desires a deep spiritual relationship with His children. Our hearts are our source of feelings, thoughts, regrets, and guilt.  It is vessels for which everything flows from, which God tells us to guard and to protect (Proverbs 4:23).  God created us with a heart to love Him with all our soul, and all our might.  Our love for God comes from God Himself, from His love within us. God is love.  When we turn our hearts to the Lord and away from worldly things we are able to grow in His love and then love others as God has loved us.


I found my self journaling on Matthew 23:7, using a mix of  the stamp set, and the little alpha stickers to write out the verse along with some stamping of the little hearts around the page and adding the colorful heart stickers as well.  I just loved the paperclips this month and had a hard time deciding which one to use here.  The purple and white stripped clip ended up being the winner for this page, just to tie all the colors of the background, and stickers in together.

Thank you for visiting and checking out my post, I hope you found some inspiration today with the beautiful April kit designed by Eli! Wishing you all a lovely week!

Be Blessed Friends,

Krystal Barto




